Once logged into the Coconut Website (not to be confused with the Coconut Mobile app):
1) Click the 'Self Assessment' tab at the top
2) Click 'Connect to GoSimpleTax' in the upper right region of the page
3) GoSimpleTax will load up, feel free to add any entries you'd like
4) Click 'Back to Coconut' whenever you'd like to return to where you previously were
5) If you'd like to port your Coconut entries directly to GoSimpleTax, you can do this by going on the 'Self Assessment' tab, click one of the categories such as 'Tax Report (SA103S)', select the 'Income Stream' and 'Tax year', then click 'View' > 'Send to GoSimpleTax'. So now when you next click 'Connect to GoSimpleTax' like in step 2, you'll see your Coconut entries already added.