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Managing Your Client's Receipts

Learn how to use the receipt tool to manage your client's receipts

Updated over a week ago

If you have clients that have large numbers of receipts that aren't associated with transactions or that don't have associated adjustments, you can manage this from the 'Receipts' feature. The 'Receipts' feature, lets you:

  • See all receipts, included those that you've attached and/or uploaded via your phone or web.

  • Add new pngs, jpgs, pdfs to your receipt library. Either one at a time, or in bulk.

  • Edit existing receipts, including the transaction they're attached to.

  • Link receipts to existing transactions.

  • Create a new manual transaction to attach to your receipt (if there isn't a matching transaction already).

  • Download / View your receipts.

Upload a receipt

  1. Go to the 'Receipts' tab in the navigation bar.

  2. Click 'Add Receipt' to open file explorer.

  3. Select the file you wish to upload (note there is a 2.5mb upload limit and currently only support for jpg, png and pdf files).

  4. Enter the amount associated with the receipt, the date and a description. By default, we'll use the file name and today's date for the receipt.

  5. Once done, hit 'Save receipt'. The new receipt will appear in the list.

Bulk Upload receipts

Alternatively you, can bulk upload receipts. Just drag and drop them from your file explorer into Coconut:

Link a receipt to a transaction

If your client has uploaded receipts, but they aren't yet associated with transactions, you can link them directly from the receipts tab by following these steps:

  1. Click on 3 dots on the row of the receipt you want to link. Click 'Link transaction'.

  2. This will open a modal with a list of your clients most recent transactions. Here you can search for the description, amount, notes or reference of the transaction you'd like to match to filter your list. Select the transaction you'd like to link and click save.

  3. The transaction will now show as linked to the receipt.

Note, you can also link receipts to transaction from the bookkeeping tab, and clicking on the transaction you want to link a receipt to, click the plus icon in the Attachments section, and selecting 'Add saved receipts'.

Create a new transaction from a receipt

If you have a client that has uploaded receipts that are associated with cash transactions or does not have a connected bank feed, you can create manual adjustments to attach their receipts. You can create a manual adjustment with the receipt attached directly:

  1. Click the 3 dots on an unlinked receipt and select 'Create transaction' from the action menu.

  2. This will open the manual adjustments side-tray. Here you can edit information about the adjustment you'd like to attach the receipt to. The receipt will automatically attach itself.

  3. Click save and this will create the manual adjustment with the receipt pre-attached.

Edit, unlink, delete or view/download receipts

Click the 3 dots on the far right of the receipt row you'd like to make changes to and select from the following options:

  • Edit - opens a modal and allows amendments to the description, date or amount on the receipt.

  • Unlink - will only show if the receipt you access has an associated transaction. Unlinking, will remove this receipt from the transaction but the receipt will be left in the receipt list.

  • Delete - will only show if you the receipt you access is not linked to a transaction. Deleting a receipt will remove it permanently from your client's library and cannot be recovered.

  • View/Download - lets you open a new web browser window to view the file. Here you can right click to download/save as image.

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